+91-44-2371 2018

Petrokens Green Energy


Petrokens Green Energy offers comprehensive consulting services as your valuable partner in driving the adoption of renewable energy technologies and promoting a sustainable future.

Feasibility Studies

Conducting comprehensive assessments to determine the viability and potential of renewable energy projects in specific locations.

Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen, produced through the electrolysis of water using renewable energy, holds immense promise as a clean energy carrier.

Green Ammonia

Green ammonia, produced using green hydrogen, presents an eco-friendly alternative to conventional ammonia production.

Planning and Design

Providing detailed project plans and designs, including site selection, layout optimization, system sizing, and infrastructure ...

Technology Integration

Helping clients choose the most suitable and efficient technologies for their specific green energy projects, ensuring seamless ...

EPC Implementation

Offering end-to-end EPC services, managing the entire project lifecycle from procurement and construction to commissioning ...

Grid Integration

Supporting clients in integrating renewable energy systems into the grid, addressing technical challenges, and ensuring ...


Conducting EIAs to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of green energy projects and proposing measures to mitigate ....

Resource Assessment

Conducting comprehensive assessments of renewable energy resources, such as solar irradiation, wind speed, water flow, geothermal ...

Financial Analysis

Performing financial modeling and economic analysis to determine the cost-effectiveness and return on investment (ROI) of green ...

Energy Solutions

Offering expertise in energy storage technologies, such as battery storage systems, to enhance grid stability and maximize the utilization ...


Providing ongoing O&M support to ensure the long-term performance, efficiency, and reliability of renewable energy systems.

Market Analysis

Conducting market research and analysis to identify potential opportunities for renewable energy projects, helping clients develop ....

Regulatory Compliance

Assisting clients in navigating the complex regulatory landscape related to green energy projects, obtaining necessary permits, ...


Providing training and capacity-building programs for clients and their personnel to enhance their understanding of renewable...

Performance Monitoring

Implementing monitoring systems to track the performance and output of renewable energy systems, generating periodic reports ...
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